The second part of the "Neapolitan Quartet", "The Story of a New Name", continues the story of Lenu Greco and Lila Cerullo. The friends are growing up, and their life paths are inevitably diverging. They still strive to break free...
from the poverty and destitution of the Neapolitan outskirts, but each chooses her own way. Impulsive Lila becomes Signora Carracci; wealth and a new name make her renounce who she once was, leaving behind the girl with an extraordinary mind who had great potential. Lenu continues to study, painfully proving to herself that she can succeed even without her brilliant friend.
The stuffy backstreets of Naples, the sun-drenched Ischia, the university town of Pisa - in different settings, life will test the friendship of Lila and Lenu many times, and they will repeatedly realize that the thread that bound them in childhood cannot be broken by either of them.
Autor: Элена Ферранте
Wydawnictwo: Sindbad
Seria: Неаполитанский квартет
Ograniczenia wiekowe: 16+
Rok wydania: 2023
ISBN: 9785001314127
Liczba stron: 544
Rozmiar: 180x120x3 mm
Typ osłony: Soft
Waga: 300 g
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