This fairy tale by the French writer Charles Perrault is over two hundred years old, but it still remains one of the favorite stories for little ones all over the world! A little girl set out to visit her grandmother... and met a wolf in the forest... The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: be careful and don't trust strangers! The wonderful illustrations by Ekaterina Borodacheva beautifully complement this instructive story and help to immerse in those distant times.
Autor: Шарль Перро
Wydawnictwo: Strekoza
Seria: 100 ЛУЧШИХ КНИГ
Ograniczenia wiekowe: 0+
Rok wydania: 2024
ISBN: 9785995161493
Liczba stron: ㌲
Rozmiar: 255x196x10 mm
Typ osłony: Hard
Waga: 370 g
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