The story by Boris Balter "Goodbye, Boys!" is bright and sunny, like the seaside city where three inseparable friends live. The tale of their carefree youth is tinged with the foreboding of war, of which they are yet to become...
Originally published in 1961, the story was soon translated into many languages, staged in numerous theaters, and adapted into an unforgettable film by Mikhail Kalik. The main characters of the story have been examples of openness, honesty, and loyalty for their peers for many years.
Read it with the whole family!
Autor: Борис Балтер
Wydawnictwo: Enas-kniga
Seria: Читаем всей семьей
Ograniczenia wiekowe: 12+
Rok wydania: 2025
ISBN: 9785001984719
Liczba stron: 304
Rozmiar: 220x145x20 mm
Typ osłony: Hard
Waga: 455 g
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