Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, also known as Osho - an enlightened master of our time, author of 350 books.
This book contains two cycles of talks by Rajneesh: "The Teaching of Transcendence" and "The Heart Sutra".
The talks are devoted to Buddhist...
"You are never where you are. Just be here. Wherever you are, be in that very place. This is the door to divinity, it will itself enter you.
Nirvana becomes a nightmare if you seek it. Then nirvana comes as the greatest of all nightmares.
No matter what happens to you, I do not suggest you choose something opposite. Whatever happens to you, be whole. Let wholeness be your only concern, for it is the only way to be alive. If you are alive, then you are perfect. Then you are with God today, not tomorrow. You do not seek God tomorrow, he is always today. God is today, and tomorrow is hell. Today is nirvana."
Autor: Ошо Багван Шри Раджниш
Wydawnictwo: Amrita
Ograniczenia wiekowe: 16+
Rok wydania: 2022
ISBN: 9785426001336
Liczba stron: 320
Rozmiar: 201x138x13 mm
Typ osłony: Soft
Waga: 278 g
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