The digital age presents us with obstacles every day — distractions that hinder our ability to concentrate, maintain focus, and remain attentive. Surrounded by screens and technology, we dream of escaping them, retreating into solitude like medieval monks. However, mindfulness... and concentration were not easy for monks either. Renowned researcher and world expert Jamie Kreiner invites the reader to immerse themselves in the lives of early Christian monks during the Middle Ages and shows how, day by day, they resisted temptations and fought against distraction, sometimes losing and sometimes prevailing. How can one dedicate themselves to contemplation when the body requires sleep, food, and hygiene? Can books help monks draw closer to the Lord, or do they, on the contrary, distract them with their captivating plots? What techniques did monks use to train their memory, and how can they help us in the 21st century? Is it true that a clear daily routine fosters focus, while working overtime actually hinders productivity? Monks have pondered these questions many centuries ago: many of their stories, methods, and lessons — from cognitive exercises to schedules and self-discipline — are still valuable to us today. Combining deep research with self-help, history, and psychology, Kreiner has created a truly witty, instructive, and delightful book about our mistakes and the remarkable ingenuity with which we confront them. By understanding what distracted monks and how they dealt with distraction, we can better understand and discover ourselves.
Autor: Джейми Крейнер
Wydawnictwo: KoLibri
Seria: Исторический интерес
Ograniczenia wiekowe: 18+
Rok wydania: 2025
ISBN: 9785389229976
Liczba stron: 320
Rozmiar: 215х150х17 mm
Typ osłony: Hard
Waga: 450 g
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