Karl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) – a Swiss psychologist, psychotherapist, philosopher, sociologist, and cultural scientist – is one of the outstanding scholars of the 20th century, a student of Sigmund Freud, the founder of analytical psychology and psychotherapy, and the founder...
and president of the Swiss Society of Practical Psychology.
The foundation for the development of a holistic personality and the most complete realization of all abilities in adulthood is laid in the early years of life. Therefore, Jung, who considered individuation the main goal of the second half of life, could not ignore the problems of child psychology and upbringing and devoted a significant part of his research to them.
This collection includes lectures under the general title "Analytical Psychology and Education", the report "Personal Development", delivered by Jung at the Vienna Cultural Association – on the impact of childhood traumas on further individuation, the articles "Marriage as a Psychological Relationship", "On the Conflicts of the Child's Soul", "The Gifted Child" and other works.
Autor: Карл Юнг
Wydawnictwo: AST
Seria: Философия – Neoclassic
Ograniczenia wiekowe: 16+
Rok wydania: 2024
ISBN: 9785171702410
Liczba stron: 256
Rozmiar: 220x150x24 mm
Typ osłony: твердая
Waga: 332 g
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