“The Childhood of Tyoma” is an autobiographical story by the remarkable Russian writer of the late 19th — early 20th century N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky about the maturation of a person. Tyoma is the son of a general, but in a... large family, he is not spoiled at all. He is by nature a sensitive and nervous child, sometimes shy, sometimes arrogant. For mischief and dishonorable deeds, his father punishes him strictly. His mother, on the contrary, tries to act with affection and kind words. This book is a wonderful opportunity to learn about traditions, everyday life, and the principles of child upbringing accepted in the noble environment, from the primary source. The book carries important moral lessons that are relevant even in our days. For middle school age.
Autor: Николай Гарин-Михайловский
Wydawnictwo: Enas-kniga
Seria: Давным-давно
Ograniczenia wiekowe: 12+
Rok wydania: 2024
ISBN: 9785001983781
Liczba stron: 208
Rozmiar: 220x145x20 mm
Typ osłony: Hard
Waga: 345 g
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