The book contains works by domestic historians and mythologists from the 19th to early 20th centuries, mostly not released in modern orthography, including rare and almost forgotten ones. By modern standards, some of them may seem ‘academic’, naive, but each... has its own charm, and sometimes one can find truly valuable observations, while also tracing the development of domestic scientific thought and attempts to reconstruct pre-Christian representations of the Slavs over the course of a century.
Autor: Сергей Ермаков
Wydawnictwo: Veche
Seria: Неведомая Русь
Ograniczenia wiekowe: 12+
Rok wydania: 2024
ISBN: 9785448449130
Liczba stron: 352
Rozmiar: 205х134х23 mm
Typ osłony: Hard
Waga: 450 g
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